Busy harvest in Beds

Brian Shaw on Barton Hill Farm in Luton, Beds, has been harvesting non-stop and did over 130hrs last week (w/c August 1).

He finished oilseed rape “a long time ago”, with yields slightly above average. Astrid and Expert were better varieties, he said, and he will grow these varieties next season.

Mr Shaw was two thirds through 1000ha of wheat which he was pleased with, considering he had done virtually nothing this time last year. Only 5% of the crop has had to be dried so far.

Second wheat Cordiale yields were “very average” and he said he probably would not grow it again. Robigus was satisfactory, Einstein yielded quite well for a second wheat and Malacca was average to good, he said.

Yields ranged from 8t/ha for the second wheats to 10t/ha with the best first wheats, which he said was fairly predictable, although bushel weights were excellent.

He added: “The grain has a real shine and is really clean – it’s incredibly different to last year.”

  • Crop/Variety: Winter wheat – Cordiale, Robigus, Einstein, Malacca, Solstice

  • Area: 1000ha

  • Yield: 8t/ha – 10t/ha

  • Quality: Excellent bushel weights

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