Cereals 2005

Welcome to the Cereals 2005 event on Farmers Weekly Interactive.

This is your guide to the show, which incorporates Sprays and Sprayers and Velcourt’s “What’s New in Arable Farming Event”

Use this site get background information behind Velcourt’s Arable Event trial plots in the build up to the show, including photo’s from the site, trials technical data and results.

What is Cereals 2005?

A technical arable event incorporating over 300 exhibitors covering the latest products, machinery and advice for arable farmers.

The event consists of four main areas:

  • Plots demonstrating the latest varieties of a range of crops

  • Working machinery demonstrations

  • Sprays and Sprayers demonstration arena and sprayer related exhibitors

  • General trade exhibitors covering agribusiness and machinery

Visit the official Cereals website for more details about the show, including ticket information, exhibitor list and show highlights.

When is it?

Wednesday June 15 to Thursday June 16 2005


Rectory Farm, Guilden Morden, Cambridgeshire

Velcourt Arable Farming Event

Sponsored by: CASEBayerSyngentaVaderstad  – Househams

Below is a list of the main areas under the spotlight in the dedicated trials, covering Agri-environmental schemes, wheat, drilling precision, barley, oilseed rape, cultivation machinery and tractor modifications.

1. Agri-environmental Schemes

Velcourt zonesPlots designed to show  some of the means of gaining “entry level points” such as buffer strips, pollen and nectar flower mixtures, skylark plots, conservation headlands, undersown spring cereals.

What’s New Zones are clearly defined  by strips of corn flower, corn marigold, and poppies


2. Wheat

Velcourt herbicidesNew varieties subject to untreated and a managed system of inputs – Glasgow, Ambrosia, Atlanta, Brompton, Defender.

Blackgrass and Italian Ryegrass control using the pre-ems Liberator, Prosulfucarb, Trifluralin and Chlortoluron, and post-em treatments of Atlantis, Hawk, IPU, NGGC011, and Tigress Ultra.

Fungicide programmes – non-strob and with strobs.

Seed treatments – BYDV demonstration using T435 and TMX, Fusarium control using UKA146, Redigo.

Nutrition – Se bio fortrification, slow release N fertiliser, an organic waste fertiliser, Planet Software recommendations.

3. Drilling precisionVelcourt drilling depth

The effect of getting drilling depth wrong on plant population, tillering and ear populations

The effect of getting drilling depth wrong when followed by pre-em herbicides.

Versatility of the Vaderstad drill with seed size – from beans to OSR 

4. Barley

Velcourt barley trialHybrid barley management – Colossus and Boost.

Spring and Winter Barley management

Blackgrass and Ryegrass control using pre-ems Liberator, Prosulfucarb and Trifluralin and post ems NGCC011 and Tigress Ultra.

Barley seed treatments – BYDV demonstration using T435 and TMX, loose smut and leaf strip control using Aurigen Gold and Raxil+JAU

5. Oilseed Rape

Velcourt osr trialSeed treatments – Chinook and TMX

Crop type and canopy management – low biomass, conventional, hybrid and HEAR



6. Cultivation machinery and tractor modifications

  • The following cultivators and tractors will be coupled up and on display near the entrance of  “What’s new in Arable Farming”



Tractor match  

Top Down 5m Magnum 270
Carrier 5m CVX 
Rexus 5.5m  MX230 
New cultivator not yet marketed  5m MXM 190 




  • The following drills and tractors will be coupled up and on display near the wheat area of  “What’s new in Arable Farming”



Tractor match

Rapid from plot drilling 3m MXU 125
Large Drill 8m Quad
Turf Drill 2m JXU 90 with turf tyres
Bio Drill (environmental area) 5m MXM



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