Clarity in new NABIM guide

THE NEW wheat guide from the National Association of British and Irish Millers (NABIM) offers growers more detailed information on the marketability of different varieties, says Advanta.

There is now much clearer differentiation of varietal characteristics between groups, which is a welcome step, said Advanta‘s Paul Hickman.

“NABIM has more clearly identified the flour milling industry‘s opinion of different varieties, giving growers a more useful indication of potential marketability and value,” he noted.

For example, within Group 2, the guide notes that Solstice “can, depending on performance, command a price equivalent to Group 1 varieties”, he said.

This is the first time the guide has commented on potential premium value and is a positive step forward, he said.

Growers can learn a lot about the nature and performance of different varieties in grists by “reading between the lines,” he said.

A copy of the NABIM Wheat Guide 2005 can be downloaded from

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