Controlling Black Grass with Liberator

Controlling Black Grass with Liberator

GROWERS WHO have missed the pre-emergence window for Liberator (flufenacet + diflufenican) still have the opportunity to use it post-emergence against blackgrass, manufacturer Bayer CropScience suggests.

Liberator can be used up to the end of December on blackgrass up to one leaf, says product manager Tim Holt. “It should be followed up with Atlantis + BioPower with pendimethalin or trifluralin when the majority of blackgrass has emerged.”

Alternatively, if blackgrass is already at the 2-3 leaf stage without a pre-em being applied, a Liberator + Atlantis (mesosulfuron-methyl + iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium) + BioPower tank mix could be used, he adds. “That”s worked as well as Atlantis plus pendimethalin or trifluralin in our trials.”

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