Drought affects bushel weight

Justin Blackwood from J B Farming & Cereals said his clients around Banbury had mostly finished harvest, and 80% had finished in Northamptonshire.

Oilseed rape has been very variable, with some of the lowest yields on poorly established and later drilled crops, he said. The more conventional establishment methods yielded better.

Wheat yields are generally good, at over 7.5t/ha on the poorest land to 10t/ha on the better land. But bushel weights are generally in the low 70kgs/hl due to pinched grain after the drought in June. He said the crop is generally clean with only a little late Septoria.

Mr Blackwood added: “They’re not bumper yields as they were trimmed by the dry weather.”

  • Crop/Variety: Wheat – Robigus, Claire, Cordiale, Malacca, Xi19

  • Area: N/A

  • Yield: 7.5t/ha – 10t/ha

  • Quality: bushel weight in low 70s kg/hl

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