Eiffel impresses near Lenham

Oilseed rape yields are slightly below average at David Clark Farms, Lenham, Kent, but have exceeded expectations given the difficult growing season.

New variety Eiffel topped 4.6t/ha (1.9t/acre), with Excalibur coming in at 3.7-4t/ha (1.5-1.6t/acre).

The 26ha (64-acre) field of Eiffel looked well all season, and stood well to be combined at 10-12% moisture, said Jamie Clark.

“It flowered for a long time and while the area of pods on the plant was not huge, it certainly yielded and provided a bushel weight that was better than the Excalibur.”

Although oilseed rape would normally better these averages on the farm, the lack of early summer rainfall and the long cold winter curtailed yields, he said. 

“It was quite extraordinary that the pigeons – which were a problem elsewhere – hardly touched the Eiffel.”

Mr Clark was now moving on to cut 49ha (120 acres) of Excel oilseed rape, which looked well. The wheats would be ready by the end of next week (w/c 2 August).

“Walking the Solstice this morning it was still quite green, particularly in the tramlines.” 

Crop: Oilseed rape
Variety: Eiffel
Area: 26ha (64 acres)
Yield: 4.6t/ha (1.9t/acre)

Variety: Excalibur
Yield: 3.7-4t/ha (1.5-1.6t/acre)

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