Essex farmer in lap of the Gods

Carl Juhl has experienced rain delays to harvest, but says his farm near Saffron Waldon, Essex didn’t get the storms too badly.

Rape has disappointed but early wheat has been more promising.

He’s so far combined 40ha (100 acres) of Claire wheat at just under 10 t/ha (4.05 t/acre) and 79 kg/hl on chalky boulder clay soil.

“It was coming off at 14% moisture which was ideal because there was no need for the drier, but now the rain will have changed that.”

Mr Juhl is worried that if the weather continues to be wet for the rest of the week then Hagberg levels will suffer.

“It could go down – we’re in the lap of the gods at the moment.”

However, Mr Juhl’s oilseed rape crop did not do so well. Even though there were no problems with establishment, “yields were poor”.

Mr Juhl said that some fields had been badly hit by pigeons, but even fields that had not been damaged by pigeons, also had poor yields.

“I have no idea what happened. I’m going to wait for my agronomist or the Farmers Weekly to tell me what’s happened.”

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