Final day of combining

He has another 24ha (60 acres) of wheat to cut from the original 570ha (1,400 acres).

“We‘ve had a really good week of harvesting.”

He is now harvesting his wheat at 14.5% moisture, giving the driers a bit of break.

Yields are lower than average at 8.15 t/ha (3.3 t/acre) and there is little quality left, he noted.

The rain has caused specific weights to drop to 70kg/hl which has been the main reason for low yields. Mr Cooper believes the rain has caused a 20% reduction in yields this year.

He has also experienced problems with sprouting in the ear, especially in the laid crops.

The wheat crop consisted of Nijinsky, Consort and Claire with all of them being “pretty consistent.”

His oilseed rape fared better because it had been cut before the rain.

“If we had another fortnight of rain this harvest would have been a total disaster.”

He hopes to start drilling his wheat on Monday (Sep 13).

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