Finishing up the wheat harvest – update
Clive Brickell has made some harvest progress since FARMERS WEEKLY Harvest Highlights spoke to him last week.
He has manged to finish his Napier winter wheat on his farm near New Haven, E. Sussex.
“It came of at 3 t/acre (7.41 t/ha), which is alright.
“It wasn’t the nicest combining weather but we just wanted to get it done.”
Mr Brickell is nearing the end of harvest with only 16ha (40 acres) of Xi19 and 16ha (40 acres) of beans still to be done.
“As one would say, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.”
However, he‘s also having battles with the unsettled weather. “It‘s just been frustrating.
“We would have finished last week if it wasn‘t for the weather.”