Harvest hall of fame: your pictures
Welcome to FWi’s Harvest Hall of fame – your chance to send us pictures of harvest on your farm. Click on the thumbnails below to enlarge them.
If you would like to be in the hall of fame, send your picture(s) with a short caption (who, what, where, when) to FWcropsFWI@rbi.co.uk
Loudham Estates farm manager Tim Pare cutting Castille oilseed rape last month near Kingham, Oxon.
The variety yielded 3.5t/ha at 6.8% moisture.
Mike Burdass, farms manager at Heaver Farms near Chichester in West Sussex combining Malacca wintter wheat at 14.5% moisture.
Yield was reading 8.9t/ha (3.6t/acre) over the farm weigh bridge .
This three-year old picture of vintage combine enthusiast W Hume & Son combining Optic spring barley with a Clayson M103 at Norham, Berwick-upon-Tweed was submitted by William Jackson. He suspects the combine will be going again this year!
Harvest in East Lothian Willie Hamilton, Phantasie Farm, East Linton, East Lothian.
Combining a field of Consort below the historic volcanic hill of Traprain Law.
Just another dusty job at DE partridge, Rochester farm, Great Leighs, Chelmsford, Essex.
An evocative shot of my neighbour, Richard Spencer of Micklebring, South Yorkshire harvesting peas with his New Holland 8060 next to the M18 in Micklebring on the 9th of August.
Farmers Weekly’s western barometer grower Richard Solari combining Carat winter barley.
Yields were about 10% down, probably due to the lack of rain, he said.
Barley harvesting at Charlie Allen’s North Stoke Farm, Ipsden, Oxon.
Combining Pearl barley at Chris Ascroft’s farm near Great Wilbraham, Cambs.
Crops yielded 7.5-8t/ha at 13% moisture, 3-4% screenings and 1.8% nitrogen.
John and Andrew Middlewood harvesting winter barley on 13 July near Malton, North Yorkshire.
Russell Fraser, farm manager for Tiln Farms Ltd, Retford, Notts combining Cordiale winter wheat on light sands.
Yields averaged about 6.5t/ha at 13.7 % moisture, 14.85 protein, 435 Hagberg.
Moray grower Frank Thomson combining hybrid winter barley.
Yields on 7ha of light land averaged 8.9t/ha at 15.2% moisture, which Mr Thomson was happy with.