Harvest Highlights: Finishing off, and on to new things

Across England combines have been rolling and oilseed rape fields are finally being completed.

According to reports today (30 July) growers finishing off oilseed rape were on the whole pleased to finally have it finished and many were now waiting for wheat to mature.

Warren Scott of Buntingford was finishing the last of his 640ha NK Bravour and Catalina OSR today after three weeks work. He expected yields between 2.75 – 3.75 t/ha.
“We’re right on top of the harvest, we’ve had lucky weather and have been busy all the time. We’re doing well,” he commented.

In comparison Brian Mummery of Great Bett farm, Canterbury was waiting for work to begin. He had 40ha of Tipple and 80ha of Optic which he said looked okay, but wouldn’t be ripe yet for another 14 days.

He said: “I’m getting ready for harvest.”

The good weather allowed Mark Moule to catch up. He was combining for Robert Law of Thrift Farm, Royston and hoped to finish 40ha of Gerald winter oats today.

“We should be able to catch up within a week, with good weather. We’ll hang in there, get people in the right places and we’ll get there,” he said.

Chris Ashcroft of Great Wilbraham was spraying Roundup (glyphosate) today on his wheat, after having completed 200 ha of Flagon winter barley at 5.5 t/ha, and wouldn’t be combining for at least another week while it worked.

 “The forecast looks good for next week except for a blip on Thursday, but I think it will be quiet here.”

David Brightman of Gaydon was also busy spraying his Hereward with Glyphosate when FWi contacted him. His last load of his oilseed rape was being taken to be dried.

He was anxious to get on and said: “We’re miles behind last year and everything is taking more time and money.”

Stephen Ellerbeck of Huntingdon, Cambs. had finished 90ha of Castille oilseed rape. He expected yields between 3.1-3.5 t/ha and said he was happy with them.

* If you’ve got a harvest story then call our dedicated harvest reporter David Kemp on 020 8652 4073. You can also get involved on the new FWiSpace forums where you can chat directly with other farmers and share the high and lows of what is shaping up to be a challenging summer.

You can also share your harvest pictures by sending them to david.kemp@rbi.co.uk who will make sure they appear on our dedicated Harvest Highlights 2007 Picture Gallery

If you prefer, we can set you up with your own gallery where you can upload pictures at any time to share them with other farmers.

We are hoping to print a selection of the best harvest pictures submitted each week in Farmers Weekly magazine. Please be aware that for use in the magazine we will need pictures to be taken using the highest quality setting on your camera.

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