Herbicide demonstration 2004

EXCELLENT levels of weed control can be seen in the blackgrass, ryegrasses and annual meadow grass plots in both the wheat (below) and barley herbicide demonstrations.


It proves just how effective Syngenta‘s 8545 (prosulfocarb) at pre-em and Bayer‘s Atlantis (mesosulfuron-methyl + iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium) are at tackling very high grass weed populations.

January 30, 2004

PRE-EMERGENCE treatments (foreground below), applied at the beginning of Oct 2003, have shown good levels of control using Syngenta‘s 8545.


The effects of the mid-December post-emergence application have not yet been fully evaluated.

But treatments using Syngenta‘s new NGGC011, together with its own adjuvant NGGC050, and Atlantis +Biopower from Bayer look to be performing well.

The shot below shows grass weeds thriving in untreated plots (foreground) but dying off in treated plots (background).


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