Herbs market on the rise

CHANGES BOTH in climate and in culinary tastes have created a boom in British herb-growing, The Independent reports.
The newspaper has interviewed farmers in West Yorkshire, in Bedfordshire and in Scotland, and they report a growing demand for fresh coriander from Asian communities.
The company Scotherb, based in the Carse of Gowrie, produces both coriander and lemon thyme, and elsewhere in Scotland the garlic industry is booming.
Tarragon is being grown at the National Herb Centre in Warwickshire, basil has attracted the interest of growers in East Anglia, and lavender is found in fields in rural Kent.
The Ethnic Food Action Group, which works with farmers across Yorkshire and the Number, told The Independent that the ethnic food industry is the fastest growing food sector in Britain.
It is said to be worth ÂŁ1.07bn in sales already.