HGCA Recommended List: New varieties at a glance
Winter wheat
- Gallant 103* Syngenta Seeds
Group 1 breadmaker outyielding Xi19 by 1%. Good Hagberg and specific weight, and early to harvest. Brown rust susceptible. - Panorama 104* Nickerson Seeds
Group 2 variety outyielding Einstein by 3%. Provisional ukp export type and good second wheat. Eyespot susceptible. - Ketchum 103* Syngenta Seeds
Group 2 variety outyielding Einstein by 2%. Provisional ukp export type and good second wheat. Only moderate Hagberg and straw strength. - Qplus 98* Nickerson Seeds
Blossom midge resistant Group 2 variety. Good lodging resistance and provisionally ukp exportable, but Hagberg only moderate. - Scout 101* Senova
Blossom midge resistant Group 3 variety provisionally uks exportable but not for distillers. Yield as Robigus. Possible early driller. - Viscount 105* KWS UK
Soft Group 4, rather than 3 as anticipated. Blossom midge resistant and good for distilling. Low specific weight and question mark over sprouting resistance. - Grafton 104* KWS UK
Early maturing hard Group 4. Good second wheat. Eyespot resistant. Possible early driller. - Cassius 104* Nickerson Seeds
Soft Group 4 specifically for the north. Provisionally uks export variety and acceptable to distillers. Has done well as second wheat.
Winter oilseed rape
- DK-Secure 98*(east/west) 103*(north)
Only new variety for both regions. Semi-dwarf restored hybrid. Joint top rated for lodging resistance. - PR46W21 111* Pioneer Hi-Bred
Restored hybrid outperforming Flash by 6%, but for east/west region only. Good lodging resistance but susceptible to stem canker. - Dimension 108* DSV UK
Restored hybrid outperforming Flash by 3% but for east/west region only. Good lodging resistance and better disease defences than PR46W21. - Hammer 105* DSV UK
Restored hybrid matching Flash for yield but with better resistance to stem canker and lodging. For east/west only. - Vision 106* Senova
Only conventional new variety. Outyields Castille by 3%. Good lodging resistance. For east/west only. - PR45D03 99* Pioneer Hi-Bred
Semi-dwarf restored hybrid with top rating for lodging resistance. Yield 1% more than DK-Secure but for east/west only. - Cuillin 111* KWS UK
Restored hybrid with joint top rating for light leaf spot resistance. For north only. Yields 1% less than Flash but better lodging resistance. - Emerson 108* Nickerson Seeds
Restored hybrid with joint top rating for light lead spot resistance. For north only. Yields 3% less than Flash but better lodging resistance.
Winter barley
- Volume 111* Syngenta Seeds
Six-row hybrid feed. Yields 2% more than Bonus. Very good specific weight but only moderate mildew and brown rust resistance.
Spring barley
- Cropton 106* Syngenta Seeds
Potential brewing variety outyielding Tipple by 3%. Top rated for resistance to lodging, brackling and mildew. - Concerto 105* Syngenta Seeds
Potential brewing/malt distilling variety outyielding Oxbridge by 6%. Susceptible to rhynchosporium. - Forensic 102* Syngenta Seeds
Potential malting/grain distilling variety outyielding Decanter by 8% in the north-east. Only moderate disease resistance.
Spring wheat
- Granary 104* KWS UK
Potential Group 2 breadmaker. Outyields Ashby by 3% with better protein and specific weight. But Hagberg only moderate.
* Treated yield or gross output relative to controls
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