Irish harvest going slowly

Richard Kane at Broglasgow House, Londonderry, was three-quarters of the way through harvest. “It’s going pretty slowly. We were meant to go again today but it is very wet.”

Crops had yielded well this year. Winter wheat was coming in at over 10t/ha (4t/acre) from 132ha (330acres) of Istabraq, Einstein, Deben and Alchemy.

Quality was “very good” although he said it was starting to go down on remaining wheat in the wet weather. “Everything is overly ripe.”

Saffron and Camion winter barley had been good at 8.75t/ha (3.5t/acre) and 13% moisture.

Yields of both winter barley and winter wheat were up on average, he said. But Lioness oilseed rape had been disappointing, which he said was due to the wet November and hailstones in the spring.

• Crop: Winter wheat
• Variety: Istabraq, Einstein, Deben and Alchemy
• Area: 132ha (330acres)
• Yield: 10t/ha

• Crop: Winter barley
• Area: N/A
• Variety: Saffron and Camion
• Yield: 8.75t/ha (3.5t/acre)
• Quality: Moisture 13%

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