Last chance to beat lodging risk

CEREAL CROPS are at widespread risk from lodging this season and growers are advised to consider applying a growth regulator at the T2 timing.

Cold and wet conditions during April held back many crops, but recent milder weather has seen growth increase rapidly, which could result in longer and weaker stems than normal, warned BASF’s Matthew Blaken.

“Crops are really shooting off now thanks to ideal growing conditions. As a result, the upper internodes may get quite long, increasing the risk of lodging.”

A T2 growth regulator could help reduce this risk, he said. This was supported by ADAS’s lodging expert, Pete Barry.

“This season quite a few crops could fulfil the criteria for a late PGR even if they have already had an early PGR.”

High yielding crops and wheats where late nitrogen is applied to boost protein are particularly vulnerable to lodging, he said.

Lodging risk is also higher in many new wheat varieties, which lack the standing power of older varieties such as Consort and Tanker, added Mr Blaken.

“People are used to growing varieties less prone to lodging, but newer varieties (such as Xi19 and Gladiator) are not quite as good and growers need to think more about using PGRs.”

He recommends growers use Terpal (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid + mepiquat chloride) at T2 to help shorten the top two thirds of the stem and reduce the risk of lodging.

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