Legal loophole allows growers to grow GM crops in secret
BRITAIN’S FARMERS can grow genetically modified crops without having to notify the authorities or inform their neighbours.
According to Monday’s Guardian (Aug 8) farmers need only to apply to a GM seed producer such as Monsanto for a sample pack of seeds.
So long as the grower agrees to the company’s terms and conditions, such as agreeing to return the test results to the company and protect refrain from breaching the patent rights, i.e. by not selling the seed to a third party.
A spokesman for DEFRA confirmed to the paper that this would not break the law.
The loophole has gone unplugged, said the spokesman, because, “It seems unlikely that anyone would want to do so”.
However, while a farmer could grow the crop without needing to notify anyone, they are required to declare its status at the time of sale.