Listen to agronomy advice online

GROWERS CAN now download seasonal agronomy advice and listen to it in their own time, following the launch of a new service by Bayer CropScience.
The Four Seasons Live! podcast service allows users to download audio interviews with experts onto their computer, music player such as an ipod or suitable mobile phone.
“Typical content will be interviews with the experts on topical arable subjects,” explained Bayer’s campaign manager, Neil Waddingham.
The first podcast focuses on autumn herbicide programmes and future topics will cover pre-emergence herbicides, autumn oilseed rape management, slugwatch update and tips for the best use of Atlantis (mesosulfuron-methyl + iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium).
A new podcast will be available from the Bayer website about once a fortnight, but the company hopes to add around three per month in total.
A broadband connection is recommended and further information on Four Seasons Live! Can be found at