National Chip Week to raise profile of potatoes

National Chip Week returns for its 20th anniversary on Monday, which organisers hope will raise awareness, consumption and sales of chips and potatoes.

The brainchild of the Potato Council, Chip Week is a seven-day celebration of the British staple that is worth billions of pounds every year to the UK food industry. It was originally introduced to increase demand at what was a traditionally quiet period.

Kate Cox, Potato Council marketing executive, said: “One in four of all GB potatoes are made into chips, so the Week continues to provide support for this significant sector of the market.”

“It is a fantastic way to highlight the versatility of potatoes and demonstrate that chips can be eaten as part of a balanced diet. All sectors of the industry involved with chips, from fresh, frozen to foodservice, can benefit from the impact of the Week.”

Organisers are also working closely with potato merchants to provide advice for shops, so they can increase profitability and reduce waste.

Chip Week is the culmination of a longer-running campaign, which includes a dedicated Chip Report. The results of the report, released next week, will reveal more about Brits’ chip-eating habits.For more information about the week, including a collection of chip recipes with a difference, go to


• One out of every four British potatoes are made into chips, amounting to around 1.5m tonnes every year

• It would take an area the size of 56,000 Wembley Stadium football pitches to grow all the potatoes needed for the chips consumed in the UK every year

• 10% of the entire British potato crop is needed to supply all the fish and chip shops in the UK

• Fish and chip suppers are the nation’s favourite takeaway, outselling Indian food at a rate of 2:1 

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