New name for Baytan seed treatments

The triadimenol + fuberidazole -based seed treatments Baytan and Baytan Secur are to be marketed under the new brand names Tripod and Tripod Plus from this autumn, according to Makhteshim Agan.

The firm, which took over marketing of the products from Bayer CropScience in 2003 and 2007 respectively, says the change is needed because Baytan and Secur are both Bayer trademarks. The formulation of both products is unchanged.

“Triadimenol and fuberidazole offer particularly good early control of key diseases such as yellow and brown rust,” said MA’s commercial manager, Mike Barrett.

“With both these diseases proving to be more difficult to control this year and with new lower temperature races of brown rust affecting key varieties, the use of Tripod and Tripod Secur will help reduce pressure on T0 and possibly T1 fungicides,” he said.

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