Pelican breaks record in Yorkshire
Steve Dawson has enjoyed record winter barley yields at Dawson Farms, Swainby, North Yorkshire.
“I have grown six row barley for the past 10 years and normally hover either side of 9.9t/ha (4t/acre) dry weight,” he said.
“This year we harvested our six row Pelican with exceptional results. In a year when yields in general appear to be down it produced our highest yields of barley on record.”
The 31ha (76 acres) of Pelican ranged from 10t/ha (4.07t/acre) to 11.6t/ha (4.7t/acre) dry, averaging 11.2t/ha (4.52t/acre).
Although Mr Dawson had a mixed cultivation regime, all the winter barley fields were ploughed then combination drilled.
In addition to the high grain yield the straw averaged 5.2t/ha (2.1t/acre), which added a further £250/ha (£100/acre) in the swath.
“I hope this is a glimmer of hope in what appears to be a poor yielding year for arable farmers.”
Crop: Winter barley
Variety: Pelican
Area: 31ha (76 acres)
Yield: 11.2t/ha (4.52t/acre)
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