Rain stops play in Kent

Andrew Cragg was hoping to start combining Gallant winter wheat today (30 July) at Brooker Farm, Romney Marsh, Kent, but rain has stopped play.

“We had three combines lined up ready to go, and then it rained, which is rather frustrating,” he said.

So far he had cut 12ha of Camelot oilseed rape, which had yielded 4.49t/ha at 8.5% moisture on 25 July.

“It was upright, low and easy to combine – and because it’s an early variety I was about a week ahead of some of my neighbours.”

The PR46W21 had not been over a weighbridge yet. “But I’m pretty certain it has done 5t/ha if not a bit over.

“I’ve still got all the Cabernet to do, and it looks like a nice sample. I’m looking forward to combining that.

“I’ve been really pleased with the rape crops – they are all standing nicely.

“But I’m not looking forward to the second wheats. They are looking a bit poorly and thin – we’ve been fighting a losing battle with septoria.”

Crop: Oilseed rape
Variety: PR46W21
Area: 27ha
Yield: 5t/ha

Variety: Camelot
Area: 12ha
Yield: 4.49t/ha

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