Report crop disease outbreaks to win Apple iPad

Help us keep growers up to date on rusts, septoria and pulse diseases by reporting any outbreaks in your crops through our online Disease Watch service and have the chance of winning an Apple iPad.
Yorkshire grower Anthony Alton (pictured left) did just that ealier this year with his Rust Watch posting and he is our first winner. Selected from the first 50 Rust Watch entries, he received an ipad at the recent Cereals Event from Peter Hughes of BASF. He farms 325ha of combinable crops near Wetherby.
Still up for grabs is an ipad, where the winner will be drawn out of all the entries received on yellow and brown rust reports over the season. So dont delay and report your crop assessment now.
You can also win an iPad by taking part in our Pulse Watch mini survey. All you need to do is answer five quick questions including your pulse acreage, variety and sources of advice.
Rust Watch service is brought to you in association with BASF, Agrovista and NIAB TAG, and Pulse Watch with Hutchinsons, PGRO and Dalmark.