RPA still to pay 2000 farmers their 2009 payments

About 2000 farmers are still waiting for 2009 single farm payments, according to figures published by the Rural Payments Agency.

As of 28 May, 103,513 full Single Payment Scheme payments had been made to 96.3% of a total estimated claimant population of 107,500 and 97.5% of the ÂŁ1.86bn fund.

Of the 4000 unpaid claims, 2000 have already been processed and resulted in no payment being due. The RPA has said this could be because farmers hold entitlements for the wrong area type, have submitted duplicate claim forms or will receive payment from the Devolved Administrations.

“Processing now continues on approximately 2000 claims where no payment has been made to date and RPA is working to validate these as quickly as possible,” said an RPA statement.

“Some of these are complex cases involving probate, business partnership changes and domestic issues. It is likely that work on these claims will reveal that some will not be eligible for payment. Claims which are confirmed will be paid as soon as possible.”

The RPA met its EU target, to pay 95.2% of the SPS 2009 fund value by the end of June, 10 weeks ahead of schedule.

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