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Improve slurry management with Catchment Sensitive Farming

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Catchment Sensitive Farming is led by Natural England, in partnership with Defra and the Environment Agency.  Since 2006, CSF has worked with more than 20,000 farms and helped farmers take more than 70,000 positive actions to reduce diffuse water and air pollution. 

As most farmers know, slurry is a valuable resource – but only when stored and applied correctly.

With farms across England being encouraged to improve their slurry management, Natural England’s Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) advisers are here to help.

We offer free, confidential advice on all things slurry, with a view to benefit both your business and the environment.

So why consider the way you manage slurry on your farm? Benefits include:

  • Better nutrient management
  • A cost-effective alternative to expensive fertiliser
  • Lower risk of nutrient pollution
  • Improved crop productivity
  • Minimised environmental damage.
Crop slurry store with fixed cover

© CSF Natural England

If you are considering applying for Defra’s Slurry Infrastructure Grant, or if you just want some general advice on slurry management options, your local CSF adviser can attend your farm as part of a free confidential advice visit.

The visit will help you consider your options and can help you make more confident decisions about potential changes.

Recently CSF appeared on the AHDB’s webinar all about slurry storage (see video below), where they discussed the latest legislation and heard from farmers who had modified their slurry stores.

CSF also host webinars, farm walks and other local events across a range of topics, all of which are available for farmers to access alongside the free one-to-one advice.

With a future-proofed plan for slurry management, you can enjoy improved water and air quality on your farm, soil fed by organic nutrients, and a reduction in greenhouse gases – as well as securing your farm business for years to come.

Get in touch with your local CSF Adviser for tailored advice on slurry management.