NFU Scotland makes tractor stickers available to help cut rural road deaths

NFU Scotland is turning the problem of slow moving farm traffic into a positive promotional opportunity – while at the same time helping to cut carnage on rural roads.

The union has produced a sticker for farm trailers apologising for delays and reminding frustrated motorists that farmers are busy producing what shoppers want – food.

The sticker (click on link to view) reads: SORRY FOR THE DELAY. Farmgate to dinner plate – good food comes to those who wait.

The initiative follows a BBC report suggesting that 70% of all road deaths occur in rural areas.

“The stickers are clearly visible to motorists and we hope the apology will allay the frustration of drivers who are temporarily delayed by slow moving farm vehicles on public roads and help prevent more tragic accidents,” said NFUS communications manager, Anna Davies.

“The stickers are also a reminder to the public that farmers are busy feeding the nation.”

Farmers are also being reminded to pull over at the first available opportunity to allow motorists to overtake.

“We are keen to do all we can to help prevent these needless rural deaths,” said Ms Davies.

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