Cash to be had finishing pigs under contract
FINISHING PIGS on contract represents a potential money spinner and saver for producers with spare buildings, says Grampian Country Pork.
The company is looking for farms with spare building capacity to feed pigs from 30kg to 115kg, to meet the increasing requirements of its Buckie and Broxburn processing plants in Scotland, says the company’s Jim Davidson.
covers costs
“Grampian supplies the pigs and feed, and covers vet and insurance costs, with the producer providing buildings, straw and labour.” The rearer is paid a set fee for the latter.
A 1000-pig unit putting through 3.25 batches a year on a 16-week cycle will produce a return of ÂŁ20,000 at ÂŁ6.20 a pig, including 40p a pig washing fee, he says. “Pigs must be managed in accordance with Grampian’s production manual rather than specialist knowledge of pig management.”
Grampian personnel supervise management, and are also responsible for the selection of pigs ready for slaughter, adds Mr Davidson. “An all-in, all-out system is operated for which Grampian pays for the cleaning of buildings between each batch.
“But the real bonus is the muck, which we have proved on our own farms greatly improves soil structure and cereal yields. “This will help save money through reduced reliance on artificial fertilisers,” adds Mr Davidson.