Dairy code review deadline extended to 17 April

The deadline for having a say on the future of the dairy industry’s voluntary code has been extended to Thursday, 17 April.

Anyone interested can send evidence straight to the review chair, Alex Fergusson MSP, at reviewchairman@gmail.com or by post to the NFU, NFUS or Dairy UK.

The previous deadline of 21 March would have seen the review completed close to the start of the 2014-15 milk year.

See also: MSP Fergusson to chair dairy code review

Mr Fergusson said the new date would give everyone the chance to contribute to an “important process for the industry”.

“It is important that the review process is as thorough as possible and we want to give interested parties every opportunity to submit their evidence in a considered timetable, while maintaining the momentum of the review,” he said.

The Dairy Industry Code of Practice on Contractual Relationships was launched last April to improve relations between farmers and processors, and it includes measures such as the option to leave a milk contract after a price change with three months’ notice.

Topics now under discussion include exclusivity in milk contracts, the independence of democratically accountable supply groups and a best practice guide for food corporate governance for co-ops.

Processors covering more than 85% of the UK milk supply signed up to the code year.

Evidence for the review can be submitted to:

  • NFU, Agriculture House, Stoneleigh Park, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire CV8 2TZ

  • NFUS, Rural Centre, West Mains, Ingliston, Midlothian EH28 8LT

  • DairyUK, 93 Baker Street, London W1U 6QQ.

How would you like to see the code improved? Comment below or, contact Charlie Taverner at Farmers Weekly via charlie.taverner@rbi.co.uk or call 07824 320 691.

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