Derbyshire stock unit with alternative income
A dairy and livestock unit with alternative income potential comes to the market in Derbyshire next week.
Tinkerley Farm at Kirk Ireton near Ashbourne is 221 acres and includes a modern six-bedroom farmhouse, farm bungalow and a range of portal frame dairy buildings.
In addition, its traditional buildings were converted several years ago into a holiday complex, with manager’s accommodation and two cottages. An unconverted section under the original planning permission offers the potential for two more holiday cottages.
However the properties are not currently run as a holiday business as the vendor had diversified into other areas of business, said selling agent Ben Longstaff of Fisher German.
Most of the land at Tinkerley Farm is pasture but there is about 33 acres of woodland and some steeper amenity land offering shooting potential. The holding has been lotted to offer almost all of the land together with the farmhouse, bungalow and the main farm buildings for £2.4m. This includes one large lot plus two smaller lots of a little over six acres of pasture and 11 acres of arable land.
The holiday accommodation is lotted separately along with five acres of grassland and a £750,000 guide price to cover the barn conversion and two self-contained units plus stabling.
Soil types at Tinkerley Farm are Dale, Rivington 2 and Bardsey. The farm is in a Countryside Stewardship Scheme and there is a 10-acre Farm Woodland Premium Scheme. (Fisher German 01530 410 885)