Farmers target food service

AN INITIATIVE aimed at bringing farmers into contact with the £33bn a year food service industry has met with a very positive response from participants.

Food chain think-tank IGD has just run a series of well-attended workshops for producers on targeting restaurants and catering suppliers.

It has also launched a handbook detailing the structure of the industry, key requirements of different sectors and how to supply them.

It runs through different products, from beef and poultry to potatoes, offering farmers category-specific advice.

“These events have really helped bridge a gap between two different sectors that speak different languages, and they were motivating for everyone involved.

“There was a real appreciation for what can be achieved through face to face discussions and a willingness to meet each other half way,” said Joanne Denney-Finch, IGD chief executive.

For more information on working with the food service industry and to download a copy of the handbook, click here.

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