Farmers Weekly Awards 2007:Make your entry stand out from the crowd




If you’re contemplating entering this year’s Farmers Weekly Awards, then one of two thoughts are probably running through your mind.

You’re either thinking you’d love to give it a go, but you’re not sure you’re ready, or you’re convinced you have what it takes to be a farming champion, but you’re not too sure what to write on the entry form.

Either way, give it a go, but make sure your entry is the best thing to land on the judges’ desk this year.

You may have a good profit margin, an excellent health status or the most creative marketing policy which makes you an award winning farmer, but when it comes to being picked as a finalist it’s crucial to communicate that.

The secret to a successful award entry is providing the judges with the right balance of information.

Read the entry form thoroughly before tackling the required five key points. Marshall your thoughts around the points, so you can tackle each one in turn and remember that providing more than the two lines you have on the entry form will work to your advantage.

It’s not just your achievements in the last year, it’s how the business has grown that’s important.

Like any form of presentation, visuals work well, so inserting a few images can work wonders to help set the scene for the judges.

So let’s look at the five points in turn:


Provide a snapshot of what you do, outlining your key business objectives, then point the judges to additional information, such as details of business growth, achievements, cost management and business infrastructure.


This is all about selling what you’re best at. If you’re a livestock farmer its all about breeding performance, benchmarking and use of innovative techniques to enhance this. If you’re in the arable industry think about supplying evidence of sound agronomy issues, use of resources and cost management.


What’s your strategy? You might not always think you have one, but word of mouth is as important to know as national advertising.

Think about including promotional leaflets or direct us to your website. You may also have been fortunate to have been featured in the farming press.

Including evidence of supply chain contracts and/or processor relationships will also work well.

Social responsibility

You take your farming responsibilities seriously – whether it’s animal welfare, countryside management or implementing waste regulations, but what are you doing to tell others about it?

Are you hosting school visits, YFC events or farm walks?

This is also your chance to tell us about your commitment to the surrounding environment. Maybe you farm in an environmentally restrictive area, NVZ or SSSI, you may be part of a stewardship scheme or have taken advantage of grants to help manage wildlife species.


This is all about your vision – how you intend to balance the battle of reduced milk or grain price in terms of improved efficiency or plans for the future in terms of expansion.

You may also be involved with discussion or steering groups working alongside industry bodies, such as EBLEX, HGCA or the NFU, so tell us what you plan to do for the industry.


Whatever category you’re thinking of entering, here are a few ideas which will help you produce the ideal entry:

  • Cropping plans
  • Budgets,costings and accounts
  • Supply chain contracts
  • Endorsements
  • Working farm health plans
  • Sales/slaughter data
  • Waste regulations/soil management plans
  • Environmenttal agreements
  • Diversification plans
  • Promotional/marketing material

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