Fertile Minds: Young farmers think big for business success

More than 150 young farmers, burning with business questions, travelled from around the UK to attend the Fertile Minds event in Berkshire last week. Jez Fredenburgh spoke to four of them about their farming ambitions and what they’d learnt on the day about growing a successful business.


James Down, 31, Somerset

Fertiles-Minds-James-DownWhat’s your farming ambition?

To continue to grow the family business, putting my stamp on it for the next generation to come.

What did you learn at Fertile Minds?

What the thinking is behind government, what’s happening in the retail market and where it is heading and which new markets are emerging for farmers.

What has Fertile Minds inspired you to do?

It has encouraged me to seek new ventures to add to the diversity and profitability of our business.

Alicia Hill, 18, Derbyshire

Alicia-HillWhat’s your farming ambition?

To have a herd of Guernsey cows that produce A2 milk so I can make artisan yoghurt and sell it to local food outlets and restaurants.

What did you learn at Fertile Minds?

To persevere even when I have knock-backs and to always have a contingency plan.

What has Fertile Minds inspired you to do?

It has inspired me to take my business idea forward to achieve my ultimate goal of selling to the big food halls in London.

Marie Prebble, 25, Kent

Marie-PrebbleWhat’s your farming ambition

To grow my family’s sheep enterprise and produce a consistent product. Also to promote UK sheep production and best practice.

What did you learn at Fertile Minds?

That the future of farming is in good hands, with young, business-minded, motivated individuals committed to ensuring a sustainable future for UK agriculture.

What has Fertile Minds inspired you to do?

To write everything down, plan to the finest detail, keep connected, be realistic and keep moving forwards with enthusiasm!

Harry Holt, 22, West Sussex

Harry-HoltWhat’s your farming ambition?

To progress with the family tenant farm by expanding the milking herd and the arable land, and to establish a successful beef and sheep enterprise to complement the dairy as a backbone.

What did you learn at Fertile Minds?

That there are so many people and organisations around willing to help up-and-coming farmers in starting and securing new farming opportunities.

What has Fertile Minds inspired you to do?

To look at what the family business is achieving and how it can be improved, as well as realising what we do well that others may learn from.

More on this topic

See all the news from the Fertile Minds conference