FW Award winners’ new year business resolutions

What do the Farmers Weekly Awards winners plan for their businesses in 2014? We asked some of them for their new year business resolution and one top business tip that has made a difference on their farm




Lord Robert Newborough

Lord Robert Newborough
Diversification Farmer of the Year
Rhug Organic Farms, Corwen, Denbighshire

New year resolution
In the coming year I want to improve the communications between the different aspects of the business, press on with more alternative energy schemes on the estate and complete the change in the sheep flock from Romneys to North Country Mules. This follows on from complete devastation of our flock from the snow last Easter.

Eurwyn Edwards

Eurwyn Edwards
Countryside Farmer of the Year
Glynllifon College, Caernarfon, Gwynedd

New year resolution
To maximise and embed the benefits of the green agenda within a financially robust business operation. Why? College farms must provide a broad spectrum of financially viable enterprises and the teaching and learning must also be fully integrated within these enterprises.

Learner participation and ownership is paramount and the learners must be challenged in a productive environment which is constantly changing. The Glynllifon college farm is achieving this aim, with capital works completed under the Glastir Whole Farm scheme and a schedule of capital works for the next five years under the Glastir Advanced programme, alongside capital work and management options from next year under the Glastir Woodland Management Scheme.

The environmental programmes are providing a financial lifeline to the business while also providing a structured five year schedule of environmentally related practical “hands-on” experience for learners. The farm enterprises which include dairy, beef, sheep and pigs are being modified in order to maximise profits for the long term.

Jeremy Oatey

Jeremy Oatey
Arable Farmer of the Year
Agricola Growers, West Antony Farm, Antony, Cornwall

New year resolution
To take a thorough look at the way in which we finance our business. My business has grown rapidly in recent years and it can sometimes be too easy to look at short-term solutions to solve immediate issues.

My plan is to challenge everything we do in this area to ensure that it represents good value, is sustainable and allows us to build a solid foundation to base future expansion on.

Ian Davidson

Ian Davidson
Pig Farmer of the Year
Moss-side Farm, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire

New year resolution
Carry out a thorough review of feed input costs, in particular focusing on a plan to implement dietary trials with the aim of reducing usage of soya bean in feed rations.

Philip Clappison

Philip Clappison
Contractor of the Year
TB Clappison, Cowlam Grange, Driffield, East Yorkshire

New year resolution
That we should take small steps in different directions to improve how the business runs, to enable us to take a bigger step the year after.This means looking at new avenues to see if they are cost effective for the following year.

Richard Price

Richard Price
Farm Manager of the Year
Lowther Park Farms, Lowther, Cumbria

New year resolution
Maintaining communications with staff – my team of staff are one of the main things that gave me the opportunity to receive the award. We have four full-time staff and I think our regular monthly team meetings in the staff room in their own environment is crucial.

Involving them in decision making, listening to their opinions and point of view is crucial to being efficient. Sometimes it’s “the way of thinking and not just the thoughts themselves”. I also go to the staff’s houses to deliver wage envelopes and talk to the partners/wives to make sure the team is happy.

Jonathan Skinner

Jonathan Skinner
Young Farmer of the Year
Rokeles Hall, Thetford, Norfolk

New year resolution
To make better use of the Farmplan accounts programme to obtain a greater breakdown of costs. This is necessary due to my expanding contracting work and large poultry enterprise.

Keith Williams

Keith Williams
Sheep Farmer of the Year
Hendy Hundred House, Llandrindod Wells, Powys

New year resolution
To make better use of grass by looking into the use of electric fencing to tighten up rotational grazing.

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