GM-fed cows spark protests

SAINSBURY‘S SUFFERED a series of disruptive demonstrations outside five of its distribution centres in the early hours of Friday (Jul 2) morning.

The UK‘s third largest supermarket was targeted by protesters, who said they objected to the fact that Sainsbury‘s standard pint comes from cows that may have eaten GM feed.

The demonstrators pointed to rivals such as Marks & Spencer and the Co-op, who have banned their milk suppliers from feeding GM feed.

The nameless group, which is said to include farmers, environmentalists, scientists and consumers, said it wanted to see an end to GM animal feeds being used in the UK.

Sainsbury‘s notified the police after it learnt that demonstrations were likely and the police were waiting for protesters at one site in Warwicks.

But 22 people still managed to either attach themselves to obstacles they had erected or link themselves together.

They voluntarily freed themselves at 07.30 and were then arrested by the police for obstructing the highway.

In a statement released after the protests, Sainsbury‘s stressed its milk did not contain GM ingredients. 

“Milk is highly regulated and like all supermarkets, we are subject to stringent food safety controls,” it said.

“Our milk is sourced from British dairy farms that supply other UK supermarkets, like Tesco and Asda – as well as hotels, schools and hospitals.”

The supermarket pointed out the Food Standards Agency has categorically stated that there is no evidence that milk from animals fed on GM crops contains any GM material.

“To offer choice to our customers, we have launched a new milk from cows fed on non-GM feed which is now in over 100 stores.”

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