Lantra appeals for training feedback

THE COUNCIL for land-based skills has appealed again for those involved in agricultural training to get in touch and pass on their views on the experience.
Lantra made the invitation on Tuesday at the Royal Show, during an update on its five-year strategy to improve training for the sector.
“We need people to get in touch with us to give a proper idea of what’s going on in the industry, so we can lobby the government to distribute money more effectively.
“It’s not being spent in the right way at present,” said a spokeswoman.
Lantra will gather comments until the autumn, when it will begin the job of analysing the feedback and identifying training gaps.
The outcome will be a Skills Sector Agreement, struck between employers, training providers and funding agencies.
Lantra is also on the verge of launching two new careers websites, called a for young entrants and a for older starters.
The virtual red ribbon on the two sites will be cut during the SkillCity careers exhibition in London this week.
Those with feedback should contact Lantra at 02476 858417 or