Last chance for £250k towards farming training

Time is running out for farmers, advisers and other allied professionals to make use of a £250,000 funding pot for training schemes.
The funding is via the AgriFood Advanced Training Partnership. But it is the last year that this type of 100% bursary is available, according to partnership manager Deborah Kendale.
“We have at least £250,000 to allocate, which would allow 200 to 300 people to benefit, depending on the length of course taken,” Ms Kendale said.
A one-week course costs £1,400, while day courses cost £350. Anyone in paid work for more than seven hours a week in an agrifood-related business can apply.
Since January 2012, the partnership has awarded nearly £600,000 in part-time training. It has provided more than 400 people from across the UK with a range of training, from one-day soil and water workshops to in-depth crop protection courses.
But in 2015, funding will drop to 75% for UK-based agrifood professionals looking for a short course or a part-time postgraduate qualification.
Interest on many courses has been high, particularly on our Potato Production and Management course based at Harper Adams, Ms Kendale said.
The partners delivering the courses are the University of Nottingham, Cranfield University, Harper Adams University and Rothamsted Research and training is at an advanced level. However it is not necessary to have studied a degree to attend a short course or one or more workshops.
Course bursaries are provided by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and have enabled delegates from all backgrounds and industries from family run farms right up to multinational companies such as Agrii and Frontier to take part.
More information
If you wish to find out more about possible courses and funding, all details can be found at Alternatively you can email or call the office on 0115 951 6285 and speak to Deborah Kendale.
(More on funding schemes for research)