Milk Link says produce more
Milk Link is the latest milk buyer to encourage its suppliers to produce more milk.
The dairy co-op has removed the need for its 2000 members to cover their production with quota. The move follows the May milk output figures, which showed the UK is unlikely to meet national quota this year and co-op First Milk’s decision last week to pay more for its members “marginal” milk.
Chief executive Barry Nicholls said: “We wanted to give our members every opportunity to maximise their production later in the year.”
Q Dairy markets are continuing to firm, with May AMPE values rising 1.4p/litre on the month and 7p/litre on the year to 23.8p/litre. Somerset cheese-maker Barbers has increased the July milk price for its members by 2p/litre to almost 21p/litre.