NFU secures deal over NIC

THE NFU has successfully negotiated for the National Insurance Charge exemption to remain in place for those on the non-EC Student Agricultural Workers Scheme.

The NFU claims the exemption will save British horticulture hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Previously the Inland Revenue had ruled that the exemption would only apply to non-EC SAWS workers where English studies formed the central part of their degree.

The NFU has secured exemption for all non-EU SAWS workers provided English forms part of their course.

Without this reclassification British growers would have been required to pay all NIC exemptions claimed in previous tax years and to pay the NIC in future to operate the scheme.

“This decision effectively means growers no longer face the prospect of paying thousands-of-pounds in NIC back payments,” said Graham Ward, chairman of the NFU‘s horticultural board.

“It‘s also a great relief to those growers planning to make use of the scheme in coming years,” he added.

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