RPA publishes more SFP answers

THE RURAL Payments Agency has updated its list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers on single farm payment application issues.

The full list can be seen by clicking here (click on the Single Payment Scheme button and then follow the FAQ link).

Issues covered include what codes should be used to fill in Field Data Printouts and more detail on how to get land on the Rural Land Register.

For example, it explains farmers can apply for the Single Payment Scheme even if they don‘t have their digital maps.

“If your digital maps are being processed – use the field sizes and areas you provided on your Land Registration form or on your 2004 IACS claim to fill in the SPS SP5 claim form,” it says.

“Then provide a covering letter stating that you have submitted a registration and are waiting for it to be processed.

“We will then marry up the claim form and the registration form and process them together.”

Visit the RPA‘s website to see the rest of the FAQs.

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