Rural Payments Agency has paid 88,842 customers some or all of their single farm payment

Latest figures released by the Rural Payments Agency show that a total of 88,842 customers have received either a full or partial single farm payment, representing 81.5% of the estimated total claimant population of 109,000.
The total value of those payments is £965.53 million, which is 62.8% of the estimated total fund of £1.54 billion.
This means that over the past seven days the RPA has managed to get out to the farming industry an additional £46m in support payments.
The agency said that over the week it had paid 2577 partial payments (including Euro payments), 2298 full payments and over 3300 top-up payments to customers who previously received a partial payment.
Have you found an error with your payment or paperwork? Or are you one of the people still waiting to have 2005 payments sorted out? Farmers Weekly wants to compile a list of common problems so why not e-mail with your experiences or post a comment on the forums.
For more on SFP issues see FWi’s special report on the Single Payment Scheme.