Ringside: Excellent quality at Cockermouth pedigree sale

Ringside at

Cockermouth, Cumbria. Mitchells held its September sale of pedigree bulls and females on Friday (10 September). Although numbers were on the low side, quality was excellent, with a Limousin bull from J & HD Langcake, Basenthwaite (pictured), taking the top price of £5500. Cows and calves sold to £1500 from Mr S Edmondson, Bothel.

Store cattle commanded a lively trade, despite some cattle looking slightly weathered. The top price of £965 went to a Belgian Blue heifer, with steers peaking at £940 for a Limousin.

“A nice show of breeding cattle saw bulling heifers up to £900 for Belgian Blues, and cows and calves topping at £1600 for a fifth-calved cow,” said auctioneer Anthony Skelton. In-calf heifers peaked at £1200.

A “healthy entry” of 928 store lambs averaged £49.76 a head. Top price of £63 went to Texel lambs from J B Stephenson, Punderland.

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