Spot pig market strengthens while contracts lag behind

Spot quotes are continuing to move ahead of contract base prices for pigs, reflecting firmer prices for all weights.
Although some contract base prices moved up by 1p/kg this week, they are in the main between 3p and 5p lower than spot prices with Woodheads at 143p, Gills at 142p, Tulip at 140p, while Cranswick and Vion are both on 139p/kg.
The euro slipped from 83.6p to 83.1p in the week ended 16 March but UK cull sow quotes continue to improve, reflecting firmer EU mainland pigmeat prices. Most cull sow sellers were able to secure prices in the 125-129p range.
Weaner prices have however remained static with the latest AHDB 30kg ex-farm average at £45.57 a head, but the weaner market remains affected by high feed cereal costs with ex farm wheat now traded at £162/t and March – May futures prices are an eye watering £172/t.