West Cornwall farmers set to cream in profits

Milk Link suppliers are set to benefit from a new partnership with Cornish clotted cream manufacturer Rodda.
Co-op members who join the Rodda Producer Group will receive a cash bonus as part of an incentive scheme to produce milk with higher butterfat content.
Under the scheme, producers who supply milk with a butterfat content of more than 3.7% and hit the top hygiene band will receive 0.1p per % of butterfat provided.
This will result in a bonus of about £3000 each year for the average member.
Milk Link currently supplies Rodda along with co-op Dairy Farmers of Britain and some smaller dairies, but is set to become the creamery’s sole supplier.
All of Milk Link’s 122 members in west Cornwall have been invited to join the producer group, which will start supplying the creamery from 1 April.
Significant amounts
Will Sanderson, Milk Link corporate affairs director, said Rodda had plans to expand their production and would require “significant amounts” of milk.
Despite the seasonality of the clotted cream market, Mr Sanderson said Milk Link was confident there would be a need for all 122 members’ milk.
“It’s their choice, but we would like all of our members to sign up,” he said.
“It may be that Rodda don’t need that supply all year round but we have plans in place to ensure that milk is used effectively. It’s a year-round contract so it won’t be a case of not paying members the bonus if there’s an over-supply of milk.”
Mr Sanderson denied paying a bonus to west Cornwall suppliers went against the ethos of all co-operative members sharing profits.
“The principle behind this contract is to ensure we have a very focused milk pool in west Cornwall to supply Rodda, which is based near Redruth.
“We have taken efficiencies in production and haulage and given the savings back to producers.”