WI member recognised by UK farmers for her contribution to the dairy industry

The woman who inspired the Women’s Institute to start its campaigning on milk prices has been recognised by the dairy industry.

Farmers For Action tracked down WI member Rhoda Lee to present her with a china dairy cow ornament in recognition of her efforts.

FFA chairman David Handley said Mrs Lee deserved the gratitude of the whole of the UK dairy sector as it had taken her four years to push through her campaign resolution.

He added that the presentation, which took place in Exeter on Wednesday (23 May), had been made on behalf of all those campaigning for a better deal for dairy farmers, including RABDF and the NFU. 

Mrs Lee milked her own herd of cows on Exmoor until 1989.

Pictured are Rhoda Lee, farmers’ daughter Emily Bostock and David Handley:
