Safety demonstrations aim to cut farm deaths

A series of farm safety demonstrations will be staged at Livestock 2012. This new initiative is designed to help all farmers, their families and their workers to stay safe and healthy and to minimise the number of farm accidents, currently running at almost one fatality each week.

Developed by Livestock 2012 organisers, the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers working with Lantra and the HSE, key health and safety messages will be delivered in five practical demonstrations featuring what to look out for with ptos and blockages, driving ATVs, working at heights, stacking bales and handling stock.

RABDF chief executive Nick Everington explains: “We are extremely concerned that fatal incidents are 12 times more likely in agriculture than other industries and this figure remains consistent, despite the industry continuing to contract. Consequently, we agreed to take some responsibility by staging a series of safety demonstrations at Livestock 2012.

“Working with Lantra and the Health and Safety Executive, the five live demonstrations will be showcasing best practice to reduce these accidents and will focus on workplace transport, which is responsible for the highest number of farming deaths – telehandlers, tractors and ATVs, along with livestock-related incidents.”

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Find out more about Livestock 2012 Read more about health and safety on farm