Photo of the Week: Perfect trio of newborn calves

These triplet calves were born last week – at odds of 700,000 to one – at GJ & M Vigar-Smith, a mixed farm with 750 acres of arable and 150 acres of grass in Wiltshire.

Pictured with the calves and their mum are Amy and Charlie Vigar-Smith, whose parents James and Susie run the family farm.

The calving went perfectly, says Susie’s brother Sam.

“She started calving around 8am and by 9.30am all three were born. I was shocked to see all three were heifers, and by a great quality Genus bull called Knowhow.”

All three calves were up and running about within an hour and all received 1.5 litres of colostrum in the first hour with a second feed six hours later.

All three are now on the Wydale feeder and drinking well. “It is the mum’s fifth lactation and she seems to be in great condition,” says Sam.

The farm’s milking herd is around 120 head, and the family operate twice-a-day milking and all-year-round calving. They are transitioning to a cross-bred herd but the majority are presently Holstein Friesian.

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