Land and farms: Shropshire units change hands

Two of the largest farms in North Shropshire to sell for several years have changed hands through Halls.

Park Hall Farm at Northwood, Ellesmere, was bought by a local farming estate. The 522-acre farm’s 400 head Friesian Holstein dairy herd and nine log cabins in woodland were included for an asking price in excess of ÂŁ4m.

The 119 acres of woodland has extensive tracks for quad biking, mountain biking and general off-road events of national or international standard.

Charity Farm in Burlton, between Ellesmere and Shrewsbury, a commercial arable farm, was on the market at ÂŁ3.75m and went to an English buyer who has been farming in Scotland. This sale included a Victorian farmhouse, a traditional former coach house fronting a courtyard, versatile farm building complex and approximately 511 acres of prime arable land, grassland and amenity woodland.