Share a window on your world with FW readers

Does your farm office have a great view? If so, we’d love to see a photo of it.

Farmers Weekly readers often mention how lucky they are to have offices in such beautiful spots. No one likes spending too much time indoors doing the paperwork, but looking out on a nice view is some consolation.

We want you to share your views. We want you to give us “a window on your world”.

Farmers Weekly‘s head office isn’t exactly located in what you’d call a picturesque spot – we’re on the second floor of a 1970s high-rise office block between London and Surrey. But, to set the ball rolling, here’s the view from the Farmlife department’s desk. In the foreground, it’s an air-conditioning system and, in the distance, another high-rise building. You wouldn’t exactly describe it as charming, would you?

As you can imagine, we’re frequently envious when readers tell us about the views from their offices. So, we’d like to see what you look out on. It’s probably more picturesque than our view…

All you’ve got to do is snap a picture and either load it into the designated Window on Your World gallery or email it to with just a line of description.

We’re interested in seeing shots taken through the window of your farm office or, if you do the paperwork in another room in the house, then that counts. And if you regard your tractor cab as your office, then we’d love to see a photo of what you’re looking out at from there!

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