Twitter builds real life bonds among farmers

Social networking site Twitter is bringing together farmers in ‘real life’.
Groups of farmers who have used Twitter to form informal regional online discussion groups, are now starting to meet face-to-face.
A letter in Farmers Weekly in February 2012 revealed how a group of farmers in Lincolnshire had used Twitter to connect with like-minded individuals.
The letter, by Chris Hewis from Harborough in Lincolnshire, said that this had led to a meeting of 14 farmers on 17 February.
“There’s nothing new in farming folk meeting for a yarn and a pint, but our “tweet meet” in Harbrough, Lincolnshire was organised entirely using the hashtag #clubhectare – and apt name considering the tweeters comprised mainly of arable farmers,” he said.
“The overwhelming success of this meet has paved the way for similar meets across the UK.
“Tweet meets will be popping up all over judging by the flurry of recent activity and I would urge anyone to give it a go.”
Farmers in other regions of the country are now using the same approach as the #clubhectare group to develop their own regional version.
A group in the West Midlands is starting to form around the hasthtag #agriclubWM and another in the south west of England is using the hashtag #agriclubSW.
In East Anglia there is also another group of farmers starting to use the hashtag #AngliaAgri.
Twitter hashtags allow people to search for tweets on a similar subject.
Groups of farmers are agreeing on a phrase and then using it in their tweets to enable them to find it each other more easily and connect.
Confused by Twitter and how it can be used to help you run your farm business? Read our guide to social media.