YFC AGM 2012: ‘Olympic’ culinary scheme unveiled

The National Federation of YFCs is teaming up with Natural England to run a series of cook-a-thons during the Olympic Torch Relay.

The “Great British Food for Great British Athletes” initiative will see YFC members showcasing local British produce at cookery demonstrations and events during the Relay.

From Windermere to Newham, they’ll be situated at more than 10 of the overnight torch stops across the country and cooking for the torch bearers and spectators, plus displaying their cookery skills as part of other locally organised events.

The initiative, which is set to be officially unveiled on Saturday 28 April, is part of the London 2012 Inspire programme, which enables non-commercial organisations across the UK to link their events and projects to the London 2012 Games in an official scope.

All the demonstrations will use locally sourced produce, reflecting the importance of sustainable food and promoting the role that British farmers are playing in growing it.

The idea is an evolution of the annual cookery competition that NFYFC has held for over 30 years, challenging clubs to come up with inventive meals using local produce and giving young people hands-on experience of food and cookery.

“The Olympic Torch Relay Cooking Demonstrations will be a truly marathon undertaking and one of the most ambitious events ever held by YFC members,” says Mark Felton, Natural England’s Director for Land Management Development.

“It’s a golden opportunity for young farmers to enthuse and inspire local communities and young people across England about the role that they play in producing food and in the conservation and enhancement of our natural environment.”

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